Idiots + Marooned (ANNULE)

28 novembre à 20 h 00
Zik Zak


IDIOTS line-up 2020 : Luc Dufourmont (vocals), Dick Descamps (bass), Wouter Spaens (guitar) and the new drummer Minco de Bruin. The primal scream of IDIOTS – Move your feet to the beat, yeah! – still holds true. This brings us back to 2013, the year of the release of their first, very strong, untitled album that was released via WasteMyRecords. On album ‘II’ from 2016 (WasteMyRecords) IDIOTS stayed true to the unique recipe of dirty rock and wicked punk under the observant eyes and ears of producer team Jo Francken and Pieterjan Maertens. Two more releases followed: the exclusive EP ‘The Stoidi Sessions’, released on vinyl on Record Store Day 2017 via WasteMyRecords and ‘Ma guitare’, a split-7inch with Ugly Papas (Mayway Records, 2018). In 2020 IDIOTS will write a new episode on its own. ‘The Never Ending Farewell Tour’ can begin. What? Is Dufourmont retiring? And before we forget: ID! OTS are now just IDIOTS (*)


MAROONED is a Belgian rock band, founded in 2017, consisting of four members:

Lynne Maes : Vocals (Seventeenten. Dash. When titans roam, A Hero build, Minor thieves)

Ward Spruytte : Guitar (Solid, ad interim gitarist bij congress, kingpin, blood redemption)

Miguel Wensch : Bass (Transcoder, Sincere, The Agreement)

Frederik Roger Denolf : Drums (Spirit of Youth, Solid, Blood Redemption, Fields of Troy )

Based at the 4AD in Diksmuide Marooned brings a solid, female fronted, like a bucket of ice-cold water to the face danceable-agit-punk-funk-metal-rock.

Marooned is a strong kick in the horsemouth’s live band with a wink to Skunk Anansie.

The bandname is a song on Pink Floyd’s album The Division Bell and thus ends all comparison.


